Craft Haul!!

So i went shopping....

I bought some new crafty bits for my Smash book from Hobby Craft and Home Sense (Tip for you, home sense reduce everything once its been in store for 6weeks!)

We started the day off in Dunelm, it has a lot of home stuff in there, and really good prices too. I didnt buy anything but i did see lots of things i like. We ended up having lunch and a cuppa though..

I saw so many things that filled my happy cup, look at the colours!

We then went onto Hobby craft, i always get this feeling of being over whelmed as there is so many different craft things to look at that i like.

More colour!!

I wasn't that impressed with this Hobby craft to be honest, the scrap booking section needed alot of things to be restocked. All the sheets of paper were muddled up which was annoying!
I did see some reaaaaly nice things that i wanted though.

I have never seen project life in person, so i had a good old look at it. I have to say thought, its bloody expensive, and the packaging isnt very appealing. If you didnt know what project life was, you could completely over look it on the shelves.

I like the idea of project life, but i dont like the size of the folder so I've been looking into the simple stories Snap binders which i believe are smaller. So ill keep you updated if i decide to get one. 

Next up we had a little look in home sense, i saw some nice things which i thought would be nice to show you, i dont know the price of anything though.

Alphabet cushion

Colorful cushions and footstall

I also found this Infuser bottle, you basically put fruit or veg in the cage in the middle and it gives you flavoured water. It was reduced to £3!! I nearly bought one off Amazon for £15 the day before. So PHEW money saved!


So here is what i bought, too much. ooooopsy.

You can watch my Youtube video of this Craft splurge in a bit more detail... Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I do love reading adventures to the craft store. :)


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