Here is a photo blog of some christmas goings on..
These are the Ramblings of a not so Newly Married thirty something who eats too much junk food, goes to bed far to late and whose life is one continuous diet.
After Christmas Sale Shopping
Here is my small sale haul.. |
I love Sale shopping so much so i asked for clothing vouchers for christmas, and i did pretty good!
i got - £20 Arcadia (topshop, dorothy perkins, outfit etc) £25 Primark vouchers, £30 New look voucher & £20 cash.
Loadsa money for sales for a bargain hunter like me :)
Here is the run down of what i got ..
I went to Peacocks, Primark, Newlook, Lush, Boots & Outfit.
First up is Outfit, i like it in there as it has all the Arcadia brands under one roof, I found this Jumper in Dorothy perkins section for £15, the necklace is Freedom from top shop for £3.50 and the tissues were just to make up the £20 but there Miss Selfridge's for £1.25, they are pretty cool, as the tissue is pink leopard print.
The jumper is really see through, but its quite long which is what i wanted, and its perfect for layering it up with a nice snug long sleeved top.
£15 Dorothy Perkins |
Freedom Lightning necklace - £3.50! ♥ |
Next up i went to Lush, i heard from a Youtube Vlog that there was a 50% off sale, so i went to have a look, and i didnt like a lot of the stuff, its just to over powering in there that you cant really smell things lol
- but i didnt get a Melting Snowman for about 98p i think, check out the lack of Nose.. i think there chocolate drops on him as well. I used this last night and it made my skin so soft. :)
I then got 2 Butter Bombs as these make my skin so moisturised and soft, just what you need throughout the winter! They were £2.30 each, which isnt bad, but still is a luxury for me at the moment.
Butter Ball |
Next Shop was Primark, i had £25 voucher to spend in here so i figured for once i could splurge on something... (im really tight in primark usually, and i wont spend more than a fiver for a single item as there so badly made usually lol)
As soon as i walked in to the Guildford Primark, my first time in that store i was a bit like... Woah. I hate going to a shop when you dont know the layout, plus its quite a small primark compared to the Camberley one im used too. On a display i saw the black version of my jumper that i bought, i was going to get the black and white one, but they only had a size 20.. so defiantly would be to big! I got the orange one in a size 14 (£16), and its MASSIVE. like to big i need to take it back for a smaller one, there sizing is ridiculous in Primark, really annoys me as they didn't even have it in a smaller size anyway so ill have to go back to my usual Camberley primark i think.
I then treated myself to a 2 pack of new bra's for £7! hunted for about 20mins for my size.. The green t-shirt is just a basic item i needed as i dont seem to have anything in green and i love it £2.50! i also got a knuckle duster style ring for £1 in the sale.
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Knuckle duster style ring - £1! |
£31 of shopping. |
Next up was Peacoks, in here i got Pajamas for £4!! bargain, and a brown top for £5 which is really long and has a grandad style collar. Notice the trend here... long tops leggings, im sorted for the winter / spring time! woo
I then spent the £20 i was given in Boots on Soap & Glory make up, i had wanted this for a while now, but couldnt justify spending £20 + on make up.. just not in my price range at the moment. So luckily it was on 3 for 2!! So i ended up getting the Lid stuff eye shadows in nude. Kohl eyeliner in black (Which was the free item worth £5) and i got the Kick ass concealer, which is AMAZING.literally the best concealer i've ever used. Im so happy i got it. im going to do a soap & glory haul post soon to show how amazing it is.
So thats pretty much my round up of Christmas Sale shopping!
Im going to re-organise my wardrobe and get everything in order so i can actually find things, and charity shop all my old clothes. i know ill feel so re-freshed once i get this done!
P.s i also put an order into Forever 21 for some sale bits, spent £29 and got a top, scarf and bangle.. but its yet to arrive, so once its here ill put photos up!
E.L.F Haul - Eyes Lips Face
I saw some people had posted some Haul video's of there Elf make up. (eyes lips face)
I thought i'd mention it to my mate and so we put an order in together, it just so happened that there was a 40% off deal. So this is what i got, and what i think of it...

One of them was a gift which was the Six piece eye shadow set in Natural.
I'm so impressed with the packaging, it makes it seem really nice quality, and it was only £2.10 in the sale! total bargain.
I then thought I'd try out a Eyelid primer, which bought in Sheer, and it goes on kind of creamy, and you pat it on and it dries sheer, and feels really smooth and makes it easy for eye shadow to go on, and it keeps in on for ages. Well worth the 90p i paid for it!!!
I then bought a Waterproof eye liner pen as im really bad at putting eye liner on, but this the best and easiest eye liner i have used to date. I did notice today that its best not to use it with the Primer as it made the pen go a bit dry and i had to shake it and put the lid on for it to get moist again...again this was 90p and well worth it!
I also got a Natural radiance blusher, and its the hardest make up item i have ever had to open!! it took 2 people to work it out, and then finally we got it open! haha - it looks glittery in the palette, but then when you put it on it doesn't actually look glittery, which is good as im not 13 any more! this was 90p, its quite small but im impressed so far!
Last thing i bought was a tone correcting concealer, which is really good! gets rid of red blemishes, under eye circles and any other odd things on your face.. :) - again 90p. and its a sponge applicator so its easy to put on, and has really good coverage. I got this by accident, but im glad i did as its best concealer I've used to date.
Its 12 days until Xmas...
I don't feel ready, and i don't feel festive.
It was Mikes birthday yesterday so we went to the Real China for a buffet lunch, i ate way too much...
We ate some more snacks in the evening whilst we watched the Hangover 2 on DVD. (definatly a hilarious film!)We have had a rubbish week, i haven't been posting for Radvent as we lost a close friend of ours on Thursday so i just don't know what to write, i have looked at the Prompts everyday, and nothing. Just nothing in my Head, i cant even think of anything to write. it sucks.
Rest in Peace Paul -
Gone, but you will Never be forgotten.
Radvent: Travel
On the plane to Vegas Baby! |
Todays Radvent Prompt is Travelling!
My favourite thing to do in the whole wide world.
I love travelling, seeing new places visiting family. (i have family in France, Japan, Brussells, Australia ... )
Yep i have them everywhere! :)
I've been to Japan 6 times and stayed there for 6.5 weeks for one summer holidays, and it was the hardest, but best time of my life. I got to the 3 week mark and was homesick like hell, i missed my mum so much!!!
But after that, it was amazing, i soaked up the culture, and how different life is, the people... funnily enough you start noticing the differences between all the japanese people! (they don't all look alike.. :)
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At Asakusa Temple |
I learnt that its good to be outside of your comfort zone in a new city where you are literally 'Lost in translation' you learn to survive by yourself, you learn your surroundings, your way around, and you learn the language really quick!!

If i was only able to take one bag to live out of....
I would take my camera for sure! (video camera too possibly..)
Tooth brush is a 100% must, with my Aquafresh tooth paste, deodorant too, i dont want to be stinky.
And fresh Pants, and the coolest t-shirts, and a note book and pens to doodle and write.
I did this in Japan, i bought a notebook, some funky pens... the stationary shops there are awesome!
I then wrote down, and drew pictures to make my own phrase book, i found i learnt to much quicker this way!
Oooh my Laptop and the internet so i could blog... by the means of a dongle or something if there wasnt any wifi. I'd also take Mike and the dogs if it was a possibility... failing that they would be in the Kennels getting some love from the lady who owns it, shes lovely :)
Im pretty comfy going long haul, not to the moon or anything, that doesnt interest me. lol
But like Australia would be on the cards if i wasnt so freakin' scared of the spiders there... ughhhh *shudder*
I want to go to more places in Asia, like China, Thailand, Singapore etc
And see a lot more of America, like New york, Washington, Kansas, pretty much the whole of the USA, i just wanna live there really haha!
The places i have been to already are -
Japan 6 times
USA- Florida 2 times & Vegas (North Carolina too, if it counts walking out of the airport to wait for people who are smoking? lol)
France countless times, my grandparents live there. 5+times
Teneriffe 2 times (its in the canary islands)
Egypt 2x
The places i want to visit... well i'll list the top 5 as there is too many :)
New york
Los Angeles
Hope you like my Radvent post, if you want to read more then goto Princess Lasertrons blog to see her's and other people entrys!
Radvent: Drawing
One thing i LOVE ♥♥♥ is drawing, as a child i would draw so much that i could keep myself entertained ALL day. As a teenager i used to draw my feelings in my diary's amongst the writing. I still do this now, i often have a scribble in my Journal to get ideas out, or to just clear my head. Sometimes i just put pen to paper and just scribble so much the paper rips... this feels so good to do this! :)
I have so many nice note books, my favourite one is from Paper chase i received it as an Xmas gift, i use it as a Journal, to document random events that happen, or just random outbursts when i need to get things off my chest
Last Christmas i even asked for some fancy Pens to doodle and write with which my sister bought me, i have about half the pack left as my dog ate them!! >.< aghh!
I'm not loading photos of my drawings as i have a few things going on at the moment so i dont have the time.. :(
I have so many nice note books, my favourite one is from Paper chase i received it as an Xmas gift, i use it as a Journal, to document random events that happen, or just random outbursts when i need to get things off my chest
Last Christmas i even asked for some fancy Pens to doodle and write with which my sister bought me, i have about half the pack left as my dog ate them!! >.< aghh!
I'm not loading photos of my drawings as i have a few things going on at the moment so i dont have the time.. :(
Radvent: Caring
I missed a day on Radvent as i just didnt know what to write, i couldnt think of anything, and the harder i though, the less it helped.. oh well. (and im writing this a day late... doh)
I Met my Nan and her friend for a coffee, had a few things to grab in town before i met them. The she called to say she would be 15 mins late, which turned into half an hour.. ugh.
I sat in Costa Coffee with my Black tea and my Blueberry Muffin (side note: wont buy a Blueberry muffin in there again... ick) I sat facing the window so i could people watch, and i noticed how people were just rushing around, even on a sunday doing their xmas shopping. No one seemed to care about anything but getting the shopping done. They were just letting their children jump all over the place on the seats etc... this kinda bugs me out as i like to just relax and chill out...
Once my Nan finally arrived we were chatting about her recent doctors visit and the results etc, Now me and my nan have fallen out a month or so ago, but it doesnt stop me from caring about her. I have been really concerned, and its mentally been challenging for me as i cant take someone being the way she was with me. But i understand that its part of her medication thats made her this way, and gradually my Nan is coming back.
This year i have started to care about my Relationship with my Husband, before we were married i cared, but not in the way i care now. I really want to make it a happy marriage, and i want to make sure we don't argue about silly things. And more importantly i want us to be kind and considerate to each other, something that before we were married we Weren't.
The main things i don't give a shit about are - people being bitchy, Money worries, & wanting a life i dont have.
Its always easy to look at other peoples lives and think 'i wish my life was like that' what i forget is that people only show the good parts to the world... I have a GOOD life, i have food, water, Home, money and the most important thing of all A family who loves me and i love them. ♥
One thing i have NEVER cared about is people laughing or judging me for what i believe in. I have never been one to follow the crowd or do what other people are doing, just because... well their doing it!
Go check out Princess Lasertrons blog for more Radvent responses!
I Met my Nan and her friend for a coffee, had a few things to grab in town before i met them. The she called to say she would be 15 mins late, which turned into half an hour.. ugh.
I sat in Costa Coffee with my Black tea and my Blueberry Muffin (side note: wont buy a Blueberry muffin in there again... ick) I sat facing the window so i could people watch, and i noticed how people were just rushing around, even on a sunday doing their xmas shopping. No one seemed to care about anything but getting the shopping done. They were just letting their children jump all over the place on the seats etc... this kinda bugs me out as i like to just relax and chill out...
Once my Nan finally arrived we were chatting about her recent doctors visit and the results etc, Now me and my nan have fallen out a month or so ago, but it doesnt stop me from caring about her. I have been really concerned, and its mentally been challenging for me as i cant take someone being the way she was with me. But i understand that its part of her medication thats made her this way, and gradually my Nan is coming back.
This year i have started to care about my Relationship with my Husband, before we were married i cared, but not in the way i care now. I really want to make it a happy marriage, and i want to make sure we don't argue about silly things. And more importantly i want us to be kind and considerate to each other, something that before we were married we Weren't.
The main things i don't give a shit about are - people being bitchy, Money worries, & wanting a life i dont have.
Its always easy to look at other peoples lives and think 'i wish my life was like that' what i forget is that people only show the good parts to the world... I have a GOOD life, i have food, water, Home, money and the most important thing of all A family who loves me and i love them. ♥
One thing i have NEVER cared about is people laughing or judging me for what i believe in. I have never been one to follow the crowd or do what other people are doing, just because... well their doing it!
Go check out Princess Lasertrons blog for more Radvent responses!
Radvent: Balancing
I have a pretty hectic work life balance, which leads to me always feeling like i have forgotten to do something, or feeling like i Need to do something. The need is usually things like getting out and having fun, or a change of scenery, different location for the walking the dogs etc.
With having 3 jobs, 40hrs a week office job, 10hrs evening reception work, and photography i'd say its pretty hectic enough as that.. but when you throw in Caring for 2 dogs, and running a home and having a life with your husband... its hard work!! (i cant imagine having kids thrown into the mix too... aghh)
So for me this is my life, and somewhat un:balanced.
I like to make lists to make sure i remember things, as i dont think i have a bad memory as such..just so much going on that somethings get pushed out my memory 'box' :)
The lists can be things like: Do washing up, sweep floors, put washing on, empty bins.
To other things like: Sort clothes for charity, take dogs out, get ready for cinema with mike.
It helps me to remember things, then i tick them off as i go, i also make sure that i keep a small diary in my bag, and i write every meeting, apointment etc down as i would just forget otherwise.
I'd like to free up some time and have a better scedule to have more of a social life, and more time with my husband to get out and about, it sucks when you say you enjoy going to tesco to get some groceries as it means you get quality time with your husband! haha.
My three important things to do today: (well it was yesturday)
I want to make sure that even though i work hard, that i play hard too. Im only 24, i want to be able to say yeah i have money to go out to the cinema, for a meal, or go shopping with friends or just have a nice day out with my Husband mike. I dont want to look back in 30 years and think, All i did was WORK!! i havent fufilled my life with happy moments an fun!
Im participating in Radvent, a tradition thought up by Princess Lasertron - go visit her blog to join in, or read other peoples entries for the Radvent challenge.
I have a pretty hectic work life balance, which leads to me always feeling like i have forgotten to do something, or feeling like i Need to do something. The need is usually things like getting out and having fun, or a change of scenery, different location for the walking the dogs etc.
With having 3 jobs, 40hrs a week office job, 10hrs evening reception work, and photography i'd say its pretty hectic enough as that.. but when you throw in Caring for 2 dogs, and running a home and having a life with your husband... its hard work!! (i cant imagine having kids thrown into the mix too... aghh)
So for me this is my life, and somewhat un:balanced.
I like to make lists to make sure i remember things, as i dont think i have a bad memory as such..just so much going on that somethings get pushed out my memory 'box' :)
The lists can be things like: Do washing up, sweep floors, put washing on, empty bins.
To other things like: Sort clothes for charity, take dogs out, get ready for cinema with mike.
It helps me to remember things, then i tick them off as i go, i also make sure that i keep a small diary in my bag, and i write every meeting, apointment etc down as i would just forget otherwise.
I'd like to free up some time and have a better scedule to have more of a social life, and more time with my husband to get out and about, it sucks when you say you enjoy going to tesco to get some groceries as it means you get quality time with your husband! haha.
My three important things to do today: (well it was yesturday)
- Take my Dogs out.
- Meet with work collegues for our small Xmas drinks at the local.
- Get an early night sleep ready for work on a saturday morning.
I want to make sure that even though i work hard, that i play hard too. Im only 24, i want to be able to say yeah i have money to go out to the cinema, for a meal, or go shopping with friends or just have a nice day out with my Husband mike. I dont want to look back in 30 years and think, All i did was WORK!! i havent fufilled my life with happy moments an fun!
Im participating in Radvent, a tradition thought up by Princess Lasertron - go visit her blog to join in, or read other peoples entries for the Radvent challenge.
Radvent: Challenging
Radvent - Challenging
This past year was a massive challenge for me, i feel almost empty now that at times im feeling quite low.
I had saved and saved so hard for our wedding, we both have a couple of jobs and we just wanted it to be perfect. I was so Happy in that photo above, i couldn't believe we were married, everything was perfect.
The hardest part of the past year was having Zero money to get by, we were saving everything we had, and working every hour under the sun, which took its toll as we hardly saw each other. There were times i was thinking 'IS IT REALLY WORTH GETTING MARRIED???' Now it was 100% worth it, im really happy.
I just really miss Vegas, The lights, the randomness, the special times we had there, the Wedding. Im on a major come down... Vegas come down isn't good. I cant explain how amazing it is there, which must make me look like a brat. But its not that i want to go there shopping or partying, i just loved the special family times i had. the laughs. The love.
I am looking for new Challenges from now on, my married life is a challenge in itself, to fulfil our life's to their best potential. I want to have Lots more laughs, more family times, and lots and lots more love over the years to come.
Basically i kicked Ass at organising and saving for a wedding in less than a year.. well i think so.
Here's to the rest of our lives!!
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