Radvent Dec 10th: Loving

Today on the radvent Journal is Loving. ♥

My self-affirmations-

  • I Love the nature that i am surrounded by nature and i love all its wonder.
  • I have family which love me very very much.
  • I can give out as much Love and Kindness as i feel the need to.
  • I have so much emotion and tears it makes me feel ALIVE!
  • I love the person i am, the person im going to be, and the person i could be.
  • I love to Love, people, pets, favourite things.
  • I can achieve my dreams!
I like to be positive, and always try to have a positive outlook on life. At the end of the day, life is so short why be negative about it? - No matter how many bad cards life hands you, im sure there is always something good you can think of. Like...... How you have nice Eyes, or you have lovely work collegues, or there is someone who loves you very much no matter how bad things get.

I have a pretty good life, when i think.... Ohhhhh its not fair i wish.... 'insert wish' - i stop and think, at least i have a stable job, a roof over my head, 2 dogs which i love to death, and a Fiance who is here, and may not always show he loves me, but i know he does deep down. (and i know that i love him very much, even if he thinks i dont show it ♥)

♥I love my dogs, my fiance, my mum, my dad, my grandparents, my siblings, my stepdad,my stepmum, my friends (the few i do have, quality is better than quantity) my family, my laptop, my camera, my creativity, myself, nature, the sea, the birds songs, the smell of the countryside, animals, babies, hello kitty, fashion, accessories, princess lasertron, meg from what ever blog, young house love, christmas, easter, summer holidays, autum time and so much♥

♥Lots of love!♥

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