Radvent Dec 16th: Giving

♦What is the most surprising gift you have ever gotten?♦

My day after my birthday this year i had gone home early from work as i was in pain with my wrists, i was just getting settled at home with the dogs and the door bell Buzzed...

I received the parcel in the picture above, i was like 'Huhhh?' whose this from...

Now let me explain a little background about my birthday first...I was feeling incredibly bummed that my dad hadn't sent my anything, anything apart from a few postcards.

Firstly i met my nan for birthday lunch, she gave me a poster tube, which i assumed was her present of a letterpress print i asked for. BUT no... it was a Water Colour that my dad had made for me!!!!

i was totally shocked.

I love it, very very much, and ill always treasure it.

So back to the story, I was wondering who the parcel was from, and what was it...

So i checked the delivery label and the writing is my dads!!!! - i was like 'uh ohhhh' i feel guilty now as i had left a comment on his face book saying don't forget my birthday etc ... oops

I opened the mystery box ... and all my prayers had been answered.. HELLO KITTY!!!

I really love HK, like love as in have a tattoo of her on my wrist love. My dad knows i love her.
He sent me this whole parcel full of goodies, i cried and cried my eyes out when i opened it. I was so happy and so overwhelmed he had done this, all for me! ♥ (Big love to you Dad, U Rock!)

♦What have you been holding back of that you could give more of? ♦

I could give more of myself at work, i need to push for promotion and not just bumble along in my day to day Job. I would love to pursue my photography, or Hell, even give it a go being a blogger. Realistically though, my day time job pays the bills, i need and want more from it.
I think i need to give more effort and perseverance towards punctuality and attendance and i will succeed much better there.

♦Create a small 'My favourite things' basket to give to a friend♦

This is an amazing thing for me to do, im going to do it for my friends birthday, shes going to be 21, so i guess im going to do a mixture of her favourite things, and mine. Twilight and Hello kitty seem a good mix ;-)

Watch this space, ill post after xmas once shes turned 21. ♥

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